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Nitto Ridge Grappler Tires and Truck Jokes

8th Jun 2018

Nitto Ridge Grappler Tires and Truck Jokes

We spend an awful lot of time and space talking about truck wheels, Fuel wheels, V Rock wheels, Nitto Ridge Grappler tires and so on. We also spend a lot of time talking about trucks and the type of people who drive them.

So we decided to give you a break, because we are cool that way.

So BB Wheels will dedicate this blog to truck jokes. Enjoy.

Trucks and Wombats

A police officer sees this guy driving around in his pickup truck which just happens to be full of wombats. The officer pulls the guy over and tells him, “you can’t drive around town with a truck full of marsupials, take them to the zoo right away!” The truck driver agrees and drives away.

The very next day, the same police officer spots the same guy driving his truck around town. And to his surprise, he still has a truckload of wombats, only this time, they are all wearing sunglasses. So he pulls the guy over and tells him, “I thought I told you to take these wombats to the zoo!” The guy replies…”I did, and today I’m taking them to the beach.”

Windshield Wipers

A guy walks into an auto parts store and tells the person at the counter that he would like a set of wiper blades for his Honda Ridgeline. The person at the counter thinks about this for a moment and then says, “Alright, that sounds like a fair trade to me.”

Porch Painter

A guy was going around the neighborhood knocking on all of the doors looking to make some money painting. And even though he did a pretty good job painting, he wasn’t the brightest person.

One man decided to take him up on his offer and told him he could paint his porch out back. The painter finished the job in good time. The man said, “Wow, that was fast.” “Yes,” said the painter, “but that was a Ferrari, not a Porsche.”

Bizarre Fixation

We had an uncle who had the most bizarre fixation, he would drink brake oil. We all worried about it because we thought he could get sick. He had been doing it for a long time with no noticeable ill effects, but we still worried about his health.

So we told him one day that we felt as though he was addicted to the stuff. “Nonsense,” our uncle said, “I can stop anytime.”

Three Guys and One Truck

There was a guy from Texas, a guy from New York and a guy from Colorado who were in the back of a truck returning from a day of mountain biking in the Rocky Mountains. Heading around a rather tight turn, the truck veers off the cliff and plummets into a lake just below.

After just a few seconds, the guy from New York and the guy from Colorado break the surface with a gasp of air. To their horror, they realize their companion from Texas was still under water and they both immediately dove down to rescue him.

They pulled him to the surface and after a coughing fit asked him why he hadn't swum to the surface. With an annoyed look on his face, the guy from Texas says, “I couldn't get the tailgate open!”

Chevy Jokes

How do you make a Chevy truck go faster?

Tell the tow truck driver to speed up.

How can you improve on a Chevy truck?

Put a Dodge engine in it.

Why do Chevy dealerships give away dogs with every purchase?

So the owners have company when they have to walk home.

What is the difference between a shopping cart and a Chevy truck?

A shopping cart is easier to push.

Ford Jokes

What is the difference between a Ford and the principal’s office?

People are less embarrassed leaving the principal's office.

How can you improve on a Ford truck?

Put a Toyota engine in it.

How do you make a Ford truck go faster downhill?

Turn the engine off.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because his Ford truck broke down.

What do you call a Ford truck with 200,000 miles on it?

A lie.

Just so you know, we love all pickup trucks. Check out the truck wheels at BB Wheels