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Your Complete Guide to Aftermarket Wheel Care

Posted by BB Wheels on 9th Nov 2023

Your Complete Guide to Aftermarket Wheel Care

Wheel Maintenance and Cleaning: Image of person cleaning a wheel

Your Complete Guide to Aftermarket Wheel Care

Dressing up your car with aftermarket wheels is just the start. To keep that new-wheel feeling alive, you need to know the secrets of wheel care. This guide will walk you through the essentials—cleaning, protecting, and maintaining your wheels so they always look as good as the day you got them.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide:

Before you start, remember that gentleness is key. Your aftermarket wheels are like the delicate skin of a fruit—too much roughness and you'll damage the peel.

  1. Begin with a rinse using a hose to wash away any loose dirt. This is like a pre-wash for your wheels.
  2. Mix a bit of gentle dish soap into a bucket of warm water. With a soft microfiber cloth in hand, approach your wheels like an artist would a canvas, gently wiping away the grime.
  3. Rinse the wheels with clean water. It's like rinsing off shampoo—make sure no soapy residue remains.
  4. Dry the wheels thoroughly with another microfiber towel to prevent any mineral spots from tap water.

Pro Tips:

  • If your wheels are caked with dirt, let them soak. This will loosen the grime and make your job easier.
  • Use a soft brush for those hard-to-reach places. Be gentle—think of brushing a kitten, not scrubbing a pot.
  • Always clean your wheels in the shade. The sun can dry the soap too quickly, which can damage the finish.

The Shield of Protection: Ceramic Coating

Now that your wheels are clean, it's time to shield them from the elements. Ceramic coating is like a protective suit of armor for your wheels. It bonds to the wheel's surface, creating an impermeable layer that guards against everything from brake dust to UV rays.

Applying a ceramic coating isn't rocket science, but it does require attention to detail:

  1. Make sure the wheels are spotless and dry before you start.
  2. Apply the coating evenly across the wheel surface, taking care to cover every nook and cranny.
  3. Follow the curing time specified by the product—this is when the magic happens, and the protective layer sets in.

The Benefits of Going Ceramic:

  • Brake Dust Defense: Brake dust is more than just ugly—it can eat into your wheel's finish. Ceramic coating keeps it at bay.
  • Stain Resistance: Road chemicals and salts love to leave their mark. Ceramic coating says, "Not today."
  • Weatherproofing: Rain, snow, heat, and cold can all take a toll. A ceramic coat is your wheel's weatherproof jacket.

Maintenance Matters:

Your wheels are now clean and protected, but the journey doesn't end there. Regular maintenance is what will keep them in showroom condition.

  1. Check your wheels for any signs of damage like scratches or chips. A quick touch-up with a clear coat repair kit can fix minor issues.
  2. Tire and wheel rotation is essential. It's like giving each wheel a turn on the dance floor, ensuring they wear evenly and live longer.

Going the Extra Mile:

  • Wheel sealants can add another layer of protection, especially against stubborn brake dust.
  • Store your wheels in a cool, dry place when they're not in use. Think of it as their cozy garage hibernation.
  • If you notice any serious damage, a professional repair will save you a lot of headaches down the line.

Final Thoughts:

With these cleaning, protection, and maintenance strategies, your aftermarket wheels will keep turning heads for years. And remember, BB Wheels is always here to help. Got a question? Need advice? Looking for the next set of wheels? Reach out to us at 320-333-2155—our experts are ready to assist you in keeping your wheels, and your ride, looking its absolute best.