
​Your Source for Truck Wheels Offers Tips on Dealing with Road Rage

5th Mar 2018

Your Source for Truck Wheels Offers Tips on Dealing with Road Rage

Here at BB Wheels, we talk a whole lot about truck wheels. In fact, it is one of our favorite subjects. We could go on all day about Moto Metal wheels, Fuel wheels and Gear wheels. There are times we have actually.

We also like to discuss other things as well, like music, spring cleaning and Slayer’s farewell tour. Have you got your tickets yet? And if you are a regular reader of our blog, you know that we poke fun at people who drive Hyundai Elantras, people who eat at Applebee's and people who wear Apple watches. But all in good fun, of course.

But sometimes we need to tackle some tough material, cover a subject that most people would rather ignore. But that is how we roll, we say the things that need to be said.

We are dedicating this article to road rage, a touchy subject for most, so we will go about in a way that won't anger too many people. That is, we will handle this subject with kid gloves.

We think you will agree that we have all encountered a situation while driving in which we become so angry that bad words came spewing from our mouths. You may have even followed those bad words up with a rude gesture. You know what we are talking about.

Still, most people see a billboard about road rage and think it doesn’t apply to them. And this is right after laying on your horn so long and hard that you bruised the palm of your hand and your three-year-old in the back seat now suffers hearing loss.

Increasingly, congested highways are a growing source of frustrations for commuters. However, studies show that the real root of aggressive driving lies within the people behind the wheel. We are the reasons road rage is rampant and we all need to take an honest look at our driving habits and behavior.

Here are a few ways in which you can deal with potential road rage.

Lay Off the Horn

What you might consider it to be a cute “beep beep’ sounds like a booming fog horn to other drivers, especially when you lean on it for a long time. The key here is to avoid overusing your horn.

The person in front of you is far too busy with their nose in the cell phone to notice the light has turned green. And while you want to go grab their phone, slam it on the ground and stomp on it, you should just count to three and tap the horn lightly once or twice.

To make sure everybody knows this is a friendly horn tap, so it with a smile on your face followed up by a polite wave.

Get Enough Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, we have an epidemic of sleepiness and it is a contributing factor to road rage. Of course it is. When you don’t catch enough ZZZZs, you are cranky. ANd when you are cranky, you are more apt to act out in anger.

A lack of sleep makes us prone to feeling and resentment and annoyance; just ask any parent of a newborn or the spouse of someone who snores. Make sure you get your eight hours of shut-eye a night.

Plan Ahead

If your morning routine is nothing short of chaos because you fail to plan ahead, you might be feeding into the road rage frenzy. Instead of running around in the morning like a chicken without a head and then make up for lost time on your commute, plan your day a little better.

To start off, get up 10 minutes earlier so you can get your morning duties done without having to rush. Plan on your morning commute to take 10 minutes longer than you expect. This way, if you run into a slowdown on the way to work, you still have time on your side.

Lay Off the Death Metal

Everybody loves a dose of death metal on their morning commute. The problem is that this type of music isn’t terrible soothing. You would be hard-pressed to convince anybody that Cannibal Corpse relaxes you and puts you in a good mood.

Try tuning in to some classical or jazz music to reduce stress and chill you out. Mozart and Duke Ellington will do a far better job in keeping you balanced.

You Can’t Change Others

We tend to yell at other drivers because we feel we are showing them who’s the boss or to teach them a thing or two. The reality is we can’t so there really isn't a reason to even try. So before you decide to give another driver a piece of your mind, consider the truth that all you are doing is showing them you have no impulse control.

It’s Not About You

You have to lose this notion that every time a vehicle cuts you off or brakes erratically in front of you that the driver is getting off on your rising level of anger. Just realize that many times you are not the target. Perhaps the diver just made a mistake, or has a screaming kid n the car or is being distracted by a buzzing bee trapped in the car.

The last thing you want to have happen ever is to wind up in an altercation because you couldn’t just let it be. One gesture leads to another, which in turn leads to a flurry of obscenities. Before you know it, you are both on the side of the road with fists raised and veins popping from your foreheads.

You scream a few threats at them and call them names we can’t mention here. They return with more hateful words and threats. The whole situation escalates when you notice he has the very same set of truck wheels as you do. You both have a good laugh, shake hands and compliment each other for your good taste. You chat for a minute and discover that you both bought your truck wheels at BB Wheels.

The moral of the story is that you can avoid a road rage incident when you buy your wheels at BB Wheels. Shop now.