
You Have Your Heart Set of a New Set of Red Dirt Road Wheels

20th Dec 2016

There are all too many people out there who own pickup trucks with little or no intention of actually using them to do any type of work. Which is actually pretty sad because a pickup truck is a great way to get a lot of things accomplished. Pickup trucks are as much a workman's tool as they are a status symbol.

Say you need some extra cash because it’s almost Christmas and you haven’t bought your wife a gift yet or you need extra money because you have your heart set of a new set of Red Dirt Road wheels. You can get a part-time gig spraying dirty dishes at the local burger joint for minimum wage or you can utilize your truck and score big.

While it is easy enough to make extra money with your truck in the fall, spring and summer, it is the winter months when you can really capitalize. In fact, an epic storm brings with it a number of money-making opportunities you can cash in on while everybody else is stranded at home watching Netflix.

Snow Removal

When snow falls, driveways and sidewalks need to be cleared. While shoveling snow can be exhaustive work, it is very lucrative as people will pay a premium not to have to do the work themselves. In fact, many people are physically unable to shovel snow.

You hold an advantage when you own a truck. In the event of a snowstorm that dumps several inches, if not feet, of the powdery white stuff, you are better able to drive through town looking for money-making opportunities.

Snow Plow Services

The small investment you make in having a plow mounted on your truck will pay dividends each time it snows. While residents with rather long driveways are willing to pay upwards to $75 to have them plowed, commercial parking lots call for a whole lot more money.

Run Errands

Just because a snowstorm brings many modes of transportation to a halt, this doesn't mean that people don’t need to run errands. From extra cans of chicken soup to much-needed medications, people are willing to pay good money for the essentials they need to ride the storm out.

Sell Snow Removal Items

Often, people are ill-prepared when a storm hit quite suddenly. If you want to make a few bucks, drive around the neighborhood after such a storm and sell shovels, snow brushes and ice scrapers to those in need.

Sell Firewood

In addition to providing a lovely ambiance, fires provide much-needed heat in the bitter cold of a snowstorm. In fact, fire might be a necessity if the storm knocks out electricity. Fill your truck bed with firewood and sell it to those who are either out or can’t get to the woodpile because of the conditions.

Emergency Transportation

There will almost always be people who need to get somewhere even in the event of a major snowstorm. As a truck owner, you have a better chance of getting Sally to her job as a registered nurse at the local hospital than she could in her Hyundai Elantra.

Pet Care

There might be some pet owners who are stuck at work or other places and can’t get home to take care of their pets. For a small fee, you can travel to these homes and ensure the cats have plenty of food and water and take Fido out to do his business.

Clean Up

Blizzards often pack big punches that leave a trail of wreckage. Make a few bucks here and there by helping neighbors haul away tree branches, downed fences and shingles that have blown off the roof.