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Truck Wheels is a Boring Subject

16th Nov 2016

Here on the BB Wheels blog, our goal is to give you information about truck wheels in a way that you will find interesting. Now, since truck wheels are a subject that, in most people’s opinion, is boring in and of itself, we have to find ways to spice things up. You know, so you keep coming back and reading about truck wheels.

Many of the articles written on this website blog touch upon certain truck wheels, like, say, Pacer wheels or Moto Metal wheels, and then move on to various subject matter. For example, we make a statement about some sort of truck wheels and then we move on to something more interesting like music truck owners like places to drive your truck or the coolest accessories you can buy for your truck. All interesting material.

Today, we are going to talk about popular vehicles in the United States. As expected, the top vehicles in all the states are top sellers overall, with the Ford F-Series and Chevy Silverado leading the way. That’s right, the top two vehicles in the states are, in fact, pickup trucks.

While it won’t surprise you that the For

d F-Series is the most popular vehicle in states like Texas, Oklahoma, North and South Dakota and Wyoming, it might surprise you to know that the Subaru Outback is the most popular vehicle in Colorado, Washington and Maine. As we once overheard from a friend in Colorado, “you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting at least six Subarus.”

The Dodge Ram truck ranks high in Nevada, Oregon and Montana. The Chevy Silverado gets top billing in the Midwest states of Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio and Iowa. The states in the south enjoy the Toyota Camry including Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and both North and South Carolina. Floridians love their Toyota Corolla.

Finishing out the list is California, Virginia and Maryland where the favorite vehicle is the Honda Accord.