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​Nitto Ridge Grappler Tires and Bad Drivers

19th Apr 2018

Nitto Ridge Grappler Tires and Bad Drivers

Let’s face it, there are an awful lot of really bad drivers out there. But let’s get this straight as well; you aren't one of them. In no way do you have any of the bad habits that make you one of “those” drivers. In fact, anyone reading this will never fess up that they do any of the things we will mention here shortly.

No sir, every pickup truck driver out there with their eyes glued to these words always displays deep and abiding civility towards their fellow man and would never cut them off in traffic or give obscene gestures wildly in their general direction.

Without a doubt, there are drivers out there who annoy you to no end. BB Wheels, your source for Nitto Ridge Grappler tires and truck wheels, offers you this list of what other drivers do that simply drives you insane.

The Late Braker

Have you ever been a passenger in a car and instinctively thrust your right foot down on the non-existent brake pedal? When a late braker is driving, you slam your foot down so hard and so many times you wind up with a sore leg and damage the floorboards of the car.

You see, late brakers think nothing of racing towards a stop sign, only to jam on the brakes mere feet before the intersection. The old man crossing the walk with her dog, he is going to need a clean pair of pants.

The Distracted Driver

These drivers are in their own little world as they speed around on the roads. They could be texting, talking on the phone, fiddling with the radio or closing their eyes while thinking about the vacation they are taking this summer, but the last thing they are doing is paying attention to the road and other vehicles.

Just so you know, making laws about distracted driving and taking away the gadgets that distract them won’t help. A Fly in their car is enough to keep them distracted for the entire commute.

The Nervous Driver

The nervous driver sits very close to the steering wheel and has a death grip on it as well. They stare straight ahead while driving, only infrequently glancing in the rear-view mirror. You can honk at them, you can yell at them, you can ride their tail like a caboose, but you cannot get them to look away from what is in front of them.

The Competitive Driver

For the competitive driver, every journey is a desperate race, even the Sunday morning drive to church. The object of any commute is to see how many cars they can overtake. They have to be the first one at every traffic light, the one who passes people doing the speed limit and the one who has to take a clever shortcut to shave off four seconds.

The Lane Changer

We get it, there are times when you need to change lanes a few times to pass somebody not quite doing the speed limit or to get out from behind that truck with a load of gravel in it. But lane changers can’t stay in one lane for more than five seconds.

That’s right, these people are constantly changing lanes is a losing battle to get ahead of everybody else. It seems that all they wind up doing is just annoying the heck out of everybody else on the road. Of course, they don't realize this or you think they would stop being just ignorant fools.

The Eater

Has it come to the point that our lives are so busy we have to scarf down a slice of hot pizza or cheeseburger while driving? Apparently so because we see it all of the time. We don’t think it would kill you to wait 15 minutes to eat until you reach your destination.

Let’s face it, eating while driving is just as distracting as texting or scrolling your playlist for that one Stevie Nicks song you love so much. This kind of driver actually manages to offend others in two ways; by not paying attention to their driving and with their disgusting food habits.

The One Who Doesn’t Use the Turn Signal

Using the turn signal isn't all that difficult, you could teach a dog how to use one. Yet, there are those who somehow think they don’t need to let others know where they are going. Maybe they do feel it is an attack on their privacy.

People who don’t use their turn signal are the same type of people who will cut in front of you in line and pretend they didn't see you.

The Beauty Queen

The same people who eat while driving also put their lipstick on while driving, or fix their hair. If you stop and think about it, it looks pretty ridiculous. Really, who in their right mind would think it is more important to pay attention to their eyeliner than pay attention to the road?

The Horn Honker

There are horn honkers that utilize the honk in the proper and polite manner and the ones who totally abuse it.

The right way is to lightly tap the horn once or twice when it is quite clear the person in front of you totally doesn't see that the light turned green. Of course, you give them a few seconds after it turns green before politely nudging them along.

But then you have the idiot who, a mere fraction of a second after the light turns green, is laying on the horn with such vigor and force, it’s a wonder the steering column doesn’t break. This hostile action is then followed up with flailing arms to signal to others just how frustrated the driver is. This all occurs over the course of four to six seconds after the light has turned green.

The Tailgater

There is really no need to get into too much detail about this type of person. What is really annoying about the tailgater is that if you let them pass you and then ride their butt, they get all angry, like they are the only ones who can tailgate.

The Bad Parker

If you need a good laugh, drive through the parking lot at your local Walmart and see how some fools park. Some of them have no idea how to park at all.

By the way, if you back into a parking space, you are a tool.

At BB Wheels, we can't help deal with bad drivers, you have to do that yourself. But we can sell you a great set of truck wheels or truck tires, which can make you happy and perhaps relieve some of the tension that you get having to deal with bad drivers.