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Moto Metal Wheels and Reasons Dogs are Superior to Cats

23rd Mar 2018

It’s Friday afternoon on this, the first week of spring, and our thoughts are drifting off to what we will be doing this weekend. The weather is supposed to be just peachy, so we have a truck ride planned.

We are really trying to focus on the task at hand, but we are finding ourselves closing our eyes and imagining ourselves driving our truck, with a new set of Moto Metal wheels, on an awesome mountain trail with our dog sticking his head out of the passenger’s side window and tongue flapping in the wind.

When dreaming about trucks and mountain trails, you have to complete the fantasy with a dog hanging out of the window because there is just no way you can get a cat to do that.

BB Wheels offers these reasons why dogs make better pets than cats.

Dogs Make Us Laugh

Even when dogs are being naughty, they can be pretty funny. Studies actually show that dogs make their owners laugh way more than cat owners.

In fact, cats might even be a drag and can bring you down. In fact, people who own no pets at all report that they laugh more than cat owners.

Dogs Keep Us Fit

Dogs need to go on walks and since they can't do this all on their own, you must walk with them. And even if you are only walking Fido a few times a week, you are still getting a pretty decent workout.

So if you are packing a little too much-added weight on that belly, you might want to consider getting a dog or two.

No Litter Box

We imagine that even the biggest lovers of cats don't like the litter box or having to deal with the litter box. There is never a good place for them and no matter where they are at, you can still smell them.

You cat then steps in the litter box to take care of business and tracks litter dust all over the place.

Dogs don't use a litter box, they go outside and squat in the yard, just as nature intended.

More Control

Have you ever tried to teach a cat anything? That is an impossible task. A cat is going to do what a cat wants to do and they really don’t care what you think.

A dog can be trained to go to the bathroom outside, not to chew your good shoes and to bark at strangers. Your cat goes where he wants, scratches what he wants and will leave that hairball wherever he wants.

Dogs Have Potential

When was the last time you spotted a seeing eye cat? We thought so.

Dogs Can Protect You

You may have had somebody try to break into your home when you were gone one evening, but they stopped short because they noticed you had a dog. It could have happened.

Our point is that a cat is not going to stop a thief from breaking into your home.

Also, if someone were to jump you, Fido would jump in and intervene. A cat would just sit there and lick himself.

A Dog’s Love is Unconditional

Fido loves you no matter what, his love is unconditional. A cat will likely not love you at all. Or at best, pretend to love you for brief periods of time until he gets what he wants and then he will turn on you.

Dogs Come in a Huge Range of Varieties

You can get yourself a tiny Chihuahua or a great big Great Dane and everything in between. You can get tall dogs with long legs and short dogs with short legs. Dogs are very unique and you get to pick and choose the size, color and breed you desire.

Cats basically all look alike. Except for color, there is really nothing that sets them apart. They are rather boring.

Dogs will Play with You

If you throw a ball, Fido gets a big kick out of chasing it. If you throw a ball around a cat, he will only look at you like he wants to kill you. There is no fun in that.

So grab your dog and visit BB Wheels and pick out a set of new wheels.