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With a Set of Fuel Wheels, You Can Be at One with Nature

7th Apr 2017

How many hours a day do you spend indoors breathing stale air? Research shows that many of us spend upwards to 15 hours a day indoors, excluding the time we are asleep. This includes the hours we spend at the office, the hours we spend at home and the amount of time we spend in our climate-controlled vehicles.

So after a day at work breathing in filtered air, we go home and eat our microwaved dinner, watch television and then drift off to sleep only to wake up the next day and start the whole process all over again. It is not uncommon for us to go days, if not weeks, without so much as to a few quick breaths of fresh air.

This can have a damaging effect on our well-being as we miss out on the many benefits the great outdoors has to offer.

We all have choices we have to make. And if you are spending too much time in the confines of your office and house, then perhaps you need to make an effort to head out and enjoy the benefits of nature. Really, it is important to leave the city and get away from it all.

There are no excuses for not driving out to a mountain trail and being at one with nature, especially if you own a truck with a set of Fuel wheels and Nitto Trail Grappler tires. Here are a few reasons you need to enjoy the great outdoors.

It’s Free

There are any number of things you can do to relax, unwind and forget about what a lousy day you had at work, but most of them cost money. The beauty of nature is that it is free. There is always something to do in nature, take a walk or watch a river flow, and you don't have to break out your wallet.

It Teaches

Stop for a moment and observe what is going on in nature. You will notice that nature never yells, it is never rushed and it certainly never pushes. Spending some quality time in this type of environment can not only bring you a sense of peace to your life, but give you a model to move forward as well. That is, make like nature and relax and go with the flow.

It’s Cleansing

The clean, fresh air you get when you enjoy the outdoors signals a renewal and every breath you take releases toxins. Seriously, we are breathing in recycled dead air in our offices and homes, so go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air and see how much better you feel.

It Helps You Get Exercise

Unless you plan on staying in your truck while you try to enjoy nature, you can't help but get some much-needed exercise. When you get to your nature destination, you will see a trail and feel an urge to follow it and see where it leads. While walking the trail, you will hear the flow of a river and will feel compelled to find the source. When you see an animal frolicking around, you will want to get a closer look. If you see a bear, you will want to run away. Nature really does have a way of keeping you moving.

It Kills Depression

Do you want to know what is depressing? Being stuck indoors day in and day out. When you get to that point when no matter what you do, it just doesn't make you happy, that is a sign you need to get some outdoor time. So toss down that remote, that laptop or that bologna sandwich and head for the great outdoors.

It Gives You Bragging Rights

We realize just how important social media is to your life. There is no need to shut it all down when you decide to spend some time in nature. Go ahead and take a few pictures of the wonderful sights you are enjoying and post them to your Facebook account. You will get a lot of likes and be the envy of many of your friends.

It Gives You a Sense of Accomplishment

While you could spend the day texting your buddies, making snarky comments on Facebook and re-watching Tropic Thunder for the 12th time, you will feel like you actually accomplished something if you spent the day enjoying nature instead.

It Makes You Feel Less Guilty

There are days when you feel guilty because all you are going to do is text your buddies, make snarky comments on Facebook and watch Tropic Thunder for, like, the 12th time. Feel better about yourself and lose the guilt when you choose to spend time outdoors instead.

It Helps You Remember Your Roots

There was a time when you weren't so separated from nature, you were a part of it. Nature is in your roots and all it takes is a drive in your truck to remember your roots.