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​Fidget Spinners and Truck Wheels

9th Aug 2017

There have been some really cool fads over the last several decades, like installing aftermarket truck wheels on your ride. Most of them occurred in the 1980s, but that is just our opinion. Take, for example, the hacky-sack, a simple mini bean bag that you kick around and keep from touching the ground. This sport, if you can call it that, became popular in the 1980s and made jocks out of people who chose to avoid concussions by refusing to play high school football.

Of course, you had to have a little talent to play this game, and a lot of coordination. Try it, you will find it much harder than it looks.

There are also a ton of fads over the years that totally sucked. Some were an embarrassment to the human race. Most of these really bad fads happened after the 1980s, but that is just our opinion.

Fanny packs were a fad that came about in the 1990s. These were handy little devices that strapped around the waist and held all of the important stuff you didn't want to keep in your pocket. It was once perfectly acceptable to wear one of these hideous things in public. Thankfully, they are now considered a fashion faux pas, which is why I don’t leave the house wearing any of mine.

Turn your attention to the present and think about what stupid craze is in right now. Have you thought of one? We have and it is cringe worthy. We’ll just throw this one out there; if you have a fidget spinner, you are a tool. Seriously, these things have got to go. They are worse than the mullet, Tamagotchis and overalls all on the same person.

Here is why.

People Do Tricks with Them

Seriously? If you check out YouTube, it’s a sure bet you can do a search and find any number of fools doing tricks with their fidget spinners. Oooooooohhhh, that is, like, so cool, man. Some of these people even have the nerve to call themselves “professional fidgeters.” When was the last time you even talked to a woman?

They are Super Annoying

It’s bad enough that we have to listen to your bratty kids whine and fart while trying to have a peaceful meal at Applebee's, but now we have to watch them masquerading the dining area with their fidget spinners in full force. This is leading the United States to a whole new level of stupid not seen since our last presidential election.

Too soon?

You Just Spin Them

Somehow, we just don’t get the fuss about a toy that just spins. At least with a Tamagotchi, you had to push a button and engage with it every once in awhile. And clean up poop.

If you really want something to spin, get a Macy's credit card, that way when you grow bored of spinning it you can use it to buy some new clothes, maybe even a fanny pack.